Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Numero Uno

Hello out there in Cyber-Land!

So, I've noticed a few friends doing these bloggy-type things for a while, and I guess I felt like joining in.  Not that I have all that much to say, but maybe I'll surprise myself.

That being said, this is my first blog here.  Nothing spectacular yet, but it's been a pretty regular day.  Got up, checked e-mail, spent most of the day trying to figure out how to get more jobs into my company.  Good times.  Also, got my hair cut so that when I go to finish pick-up shots for 'Preservation' my hair will sorta maybe match.  Other than that, just trying to finish up the work that I DO have deadlines for, and get all of that sorted out.

Anyway, I guess that's about it for the moment.  Hopefully I won't be too lazy and I'll blog here from time to time.

Thanks for reading!  Catch ya later!

Shoot to Thrill,

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