Thursday, November 6, 2008

Posting Bail

So, the Blog Police arrested me - the charge: Not keeping up with my blog.

Someone must have tipped them off.

I pleaded not guilty, but since the blog is in writing it was pretty easy for them to prove that I was lying.  Anyway, some time cooling my heels later, and I'm back.

In any case - not a whole lot new, except for this little film Nick and Adam and I made for a film contest this past week.  Five days to make a five minute film start to finish.  More info can be found on Nick's blog - but luckily we got the damned thing in on time.  The screening is on Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 7pm - Montgomery County Community College.  More info on that can be found at

Be there!  Or don't.  Up to you, really.  But, in case you can't be there, we'll hopefully be putting the extended version of the film online sometime next week.  In the meantime, you can check out the 40 second trailer for the movie.




JParis said...

He's alive! He's alive! (For the best effect you have to imagine Jim Carey saying those words.) Good to have the Rob-meister back. Hope your cell mate went easy on you.

JParis said...

Soooo....your incarceration didn't teach you anything. Next time it will be jail time and community service!

JParis said...

2 months later...

Robin said...

I think there's another warrent out...

JParis said...

Wow, someone else has been checking this blog too! I think Rob dropped off the earth, although Nick M. claims he's still around.