Friday, August 20, 2010


Just a quick update. Pretty much finished the post work on another scene of Preservation. A scene that shouldn't have taken any time to do (because it's just a dialogue scene) but because we ran out of time the day we were shooting in Jim Thorpe, I had to shoot this scene against greenscreen. Gah!

Good lesson to be learned here though. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, try to get the shot on the day whenever possible. Doing extensive post work on scenes that shouldn't really require it SUCKS!

Anyway, finally got all the compositing on this scene finished. Again, maybe it could be better if I spent two more weeks on it, but I think it looks good, and I am in the process of trying to get shots, there ya go. The ADR hasn't been cut in yet, but the visuals are done.

Check that off the list. Moving on.

In Chrononauts news, I finished the rough draft of Chapter Four today - and started Chapter Five. Again, slow, but moving. Meeting with Nick tomorrow.

That's it for now.

Catch ya later!


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